Export File List
To import files for export, use the File Import window either by clicking on the file import icon in the Export List Window (lower left corner icon), or right-clicking on a File Name in the File List window or the Player control Window and choosing "Add to Export Queue" from the pop-up menu, or simply drag-and-drop your media files from the operating system to the Export List window .
Once media is imported in the Export List then you can adjust any export parameters for that file. If you want to adjust the export parameters of multiple files at the same time, simply make sure the files you want to adjust the export parameters for are selected in the export list. Please note that once a media file is added to the export queue then the that file is locked from most adjustments in the Playback panels until you remove it from the Tin Man export queue. You will know if a file is locked and still in the export queue if the file name and info for it in the File List is in italics.
The Export List controls on the bottom left are as follows:
From left to right the controls are:
Import Files - this will bring up the import file window
Remove Completed Jobs - this will remove all the completed jobs from the export list
Clear Selected Jobs - this will remove all selected files from the export list
Right-clicking on a file in the Export List window will open a pop-up window with the options to:
Show Source in Explorer or Finder - this will show the location of the source file in the operating system
Show Output in Explorer or Finder - this will show the location of the output file in the operating system
Select All - this will select all the files in the File List
Skip Selected - this will tag all the selected export files to be skipped in the export queue (so it will not export)
Reset Selected - this will reset any of the selected export files that have been completed or that had previously been marked as 'skipped'
Refresh Updated - this will refresh all export jobs with any new parameters (ie if the in/out points were adjusted for the file in the File List)
Remove Selected- this will remove all selected files from the Export List
Remove Completed - this will remove all files that have completed their export from the Export List
When you are ready to export, simply press the Atom button to have the export process begin:
To abort any export that has started, Press 'Click to Stop' button in the window that pops-up after export has started or use Ctrl with . on your keyboard.
Last updated