Keyboard Controls
Play Start/Stop - Spacebar
Reverse, Start/Stop, Forward - j, k, l
Slow Reverse/Forward - j, l with Shift
+/- 1 Frame - Left/Right Arrow
+/- 10 Frames - Left/Right Arrow with Shift
+/- 1 Second - Left/Right Arrow with Ctrl
Go to Specific Time - y with Shift
Go to Start/End - Home/End
Go to Previous/Next Interesting Frame - p, n
Go to Previous/Next Clip - p, n with Shift
Set In/Out Point - i, o
Go to In/Out Point - i, o with Shift
Clear In/Out Point - z, c with Shift
Clear Both In and Out Point - x with Shift
Volume Increase/Decrease 1dB - +, -
Change Playback Style - e with Shift
Toggle Full Screen - f with Shift (Esc to exit)
Zoom In/Out - Mouse Wheel Up/Down
Frame Reverse/Forward - Mouse Wheel Left/Right
Toggle Fit To Screen/Full Size - Double-Click Left Mouse
Adjust Video Origin - Left Mouse Down and Move Mouse
Stop Export - Ctrl with .
Last updated