Import Media

Indeterminate Timebase - This is the default timebase tagged to a video file, audio file, or image sequence when the timebase cannot be determined from metadata within the file

Discrete Audio Mapping - If an audio channel in a file is labeled as "discrete" this controls the default audio speaker output for that discrete audio channel

Indeterminate TimeCode- This is the default timecode tagged to a video file, audio file, or image sequence when the timecode cannot be determined from metadata within the file

Indetermindate AAC Sample Offset - In general, AAC audio almost always has a sample offset if 2112 (ie the true audio has a 2112 sample offset for sync to video) - this default thoug hcan be adjusted if needed but normally shouldnt be adjusted.

Playback at High Depth - If a video file can playback at a lower and higher bit depth - this option lets you choose which to be the default

Enable Direct I/O - This controls how frames are read from disc - when checked "Direct I/O" is used for faster reading from disc

Use More Memory - When checked the video decode engine will use more memory when decoding video

Show Display Name in File List - If a file has a display name ( a name different than the file name) in its metadata, the nchecking this option will use that display name in the File List window

Hardware Decoding - This lets you choose whether to use hardware decoding or not for video files that support it.

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