File List
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Last updated
The File List is one of the main hubs in Tin Man.
To import files for playback, use the File Import window either by clicking on the file import icon in the File List Window (lower left corner icon), or choosing "Import Files" from the File Menu, or simply drag-and-drop your media files from the operating system to either the File List window or the Playback Viewer window.
Once media is imported in the File List then you can either play the media or add that media to your export queue. If a media file is added to the export queue then the that file is locked from most adjustments in Tin Man until you remove it from the Tin Man export queue. You will know if a file is locked and still in the export queue if the file name and info for it in the File List is in italics.
The File List controls on the bottom left are as follows:
From left to right the controls are:
Import Files - this will bring up the import file window
Show Hidden Files - this will show any files that you had previously marked as hidden
Remove Selected Files - this will remove all selected and unlocked files from the File List
Refresh Files - this will refresh any growing files in the File List
Import Settings - this will show the current import settings
The Import Settings options are:
Stills Sequence - enabling this option will always attempt to import a still file as part of a sequence. If you want to import an individual still, please uncheck this option.
Gammas As Display Light - by default we tag files with gamma's that have a different scene light and display light as scene light, by unchecking this they will be marked as display light. For example 709 has a different scene light and display light for the gamma so when this option is unchecked a media file with 709 gamma will be tagged as 709 (Scene).
Join MXF Ext. Audio - this will automatically join mxf files that have separate video and audio files.
Filter MXF Ext. Audio - this will automatically remove any audio mxf files that are tied to a video mxf file.
The File List has a media search tool at the bottom right
Using this tool - you can search for a given text in all loaded media files.
Right-clicking on a file in the File List window will open a pop-up window with the options to:
Show In Explore or Finder - this will show the location of the file in the operating system
Interpret Properties - this will open up a window to set timecode and audio properties
Select All - this will select all the files in the File List
Remove - this will remove all selected and unlocked files from the File List
Hide- this will hide all selected files from the File List
Add to Export Queue - this will add the selected files to the export queue and they then will become locked
Right-clicking on the headers of the File List will show a pop-up menu where you can enable/disable certain headers as well as reset the File List header to the default