Video Image
The Video Image Panel lets you change or adjust various options of the Video Image and Display Monitor.
The Source Panel allows you to adjust or re-interpret certain General Properties of the media file. If a media file has specific Source Properties a new section will appear below the General Properties. You can find those source specific properties in the sub-sections of this section.
In the General Properties, you can adjust or re-interpret(when possible) the following:
Field Order - You can re-interpret the Field Order to Progressive, Upper or Lower. This setting will have no affect on viewing the media - it will only take affect if you export the media.
Resolution - This currently is not adjustable
Aspect - You can re-interpret the Aspect of the media file. You will visually be able to see this change in the viewer.
HW Decode - For media files that use the GPU for decoding, you can disable or enable GPU decoding here. This is useful if GPU decoding is giving errors for a given media file.
Valid Closed I-Frames - Sometime Log-GOP files have mislabeled I-Frames as Closed instead of Open - meaning the previous GOP (Group Of Pictures) is not needed to decode the next GOP. If a given media file has mislabeled I-Frames as Closed when they are really Open I-Frame then artifacts in the decode can happen. Unchecking this will treat Closed I-Frames as Open I-Frames for this specific media file.
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