Default Color Science - This controls the default color science that is used for a RED RAW file. This can be changed in the "Video Image->Source" window for RED RAW.

Default Playback Resolution - This controls the resolution that playback occurs at for RED RAW. Lowering the playback resolution can increase playback speed at the cost of playback quality. This can also be adjusted in the player controls for a file.

Default IPP2 Color Primaries - This controls the default IPP2 color primaries that is used for a RED RAW file. This can be changed in the "Video Image->Source" window for RED RAW.

Default IPP2 Color Gamma - This controls the default color IPP2 gamma that is used for a RED RAW file. This can be changed in the "Video Image->Source" window for RED RAW.

Default Legacy Color Primaries - This controls the default Legacy color primaries that is used for a RED RAW file. This can be changed in the "Video Image->Source" window for RED RAW.

Default Legacy Color Gamma - This controls the default color Legacy gamma that is used for a RED RAW file. This can be changed in the "Video Image->Source" window for RED RAW.

Dst Color Level - This controls the color level for the RED RAW file. The options are as follow - Full Range(Label) tags the video as Full Range, Full Range (Convert) converts the video from Video Range to Full Range, Video Range(Label) tags the video as Video Range, Video Range (Convert) converts the video from Full Range to Video Range. This can be changed in the "Video Image->Source" window for RED RAW.

User Curves - This turns on/off whether User Curves are enabled for a RED RAW file. This can be changed in the "Video Image->Source" window for RED RAW.

Enable CDL - This turns on/off whether a CDL is enabled for a RED RAW file for IPP2 workflows. This can be changed in the "Video Image->Source" window for RED RAW.

Enable Lift Gamma Gain - This turns on/off whether Lift, Gamma, Gain is enabled for a RED RAW file for Legacy workflows. This can be changed in the "Video Image->Source" window for RED RAW.

3D LUT (IPP2) - This lets you set if an embedded or custom 3D LUT is auto applied for IPP2 workflows. This can be changed in the "Video Image->Source" window for RED RAW.

3D LUT Dst Color Space - This controls the colorspace that the 3D LUT transforms the video to. This can be changed in the "Video Image->Source" window for RED RAW.

RED RAW LUT Folder - This is the default LUT folder opened up in the File Import window when choosing a LUT in the "Video Image->Source" window for RED RAW.

Last updated